Tuesday, 29 June 2010



Bansky is an anonymous graffiti artist who paints his incredible graffiti on buildings and walls all across the UK and other various locations. He presents his ideas and aspects of politics in street art around the world. Although some believe Bansky’s art to be vandalism and a disturbance to neighborhoods, others are inspired by it and see it as beautiful art. His art is praised more by younger generations. These followers of Bansky seek out his work and try to imitate him with graffiti of their own. People have found that this graffiti is a great way to be able to speak out and express their thoughts. It is truly amazing how Bansky is able to inspire such appreciation and also provoke such fury among his viewers. Bansky also does paid work for charities and illustrations for corporations, including ad campaigns.

It is a mystery how Bansky has been able to keep his identity a secret. He works hard to keep his real name out of the spotlight of the media. Recently people have spotted him without his mask and found clues into his true identity. However, very few people have been able to interview Bansky face-to-face and truly get a good look at the man who creates such marvelous artwork.

In this photo, Bansky presents a painter applying wallpaper onto the side of a building. The wallpaper is covered in graffiti art. I believe that Bansky is trying to speak back to all of the people who have been criticizing his work and calling it vandalism. I think he is just trying to make a statement that street art in general is truly beautiful and should be desired in a neighborhood. It gives a location character and gives people a chance to present ideas. By painting a man applying graffiti wallpaper, it seems like he is saying that street graffiti is so beautiful that someone would want it in their home as wall paper.

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